Community Service Day

Photo taken by Ms. Mack

Every year we do a awesome community service day where we go out and do things for people in need. Thie year my advisory went gleaning on a farm. Gleaning is picking potatoes that the harvester can not harvest. All of the potatoes will go to non profits feeding the homeless like Urban Ministries.

This year we went to a farm of a X-NFL player. This player gave up his twenty-five million dollar contract for Saint Louis Rams and went on to farm sweet potatoes and help the community.

It felt so good to be out in the fields, filling our buckets full of sweet potatoes. Knowing that they were going to give someone a meal. This job was so important because they said 40% of America’s population doesn’t know when their next meal is coming. And every year so many potatoes and other foods are thrown out. Through gleaning, we are giving so many families hope, that they have another meal on the way.




Meet Humphrey!!!

So as many of you know two months ago I bought Humphrey. Humphrey is now about four months old and is a roborovski hamster.

Robo Facts


Robo hamsters were named after an explorer. These are the smallest hamster in the genus Phodopus and are two inches fully grown. They are commonly mistaken as herbivores but they are actually omnivores. These guys will eat plants, incests, and meat. Meaning these guys are also scavengers.


Humprhey is getting used to me and is able to be picked up now. Humphrey is very much enjoying his cage that is double the size than the ones in the pet store, which are actually too small.


Humphrey’s first day home Photos taken by Ben


So for a while, I have taken horseback riding lessons at a farm. At this farm they keep chickens. So for a while I hung out with the chickens a lot. And by a lot I mean A LOT. So after while I thought it would be fun to get chickens. So now my family will be keeping backyard chickens.


We have already ordered the coop and it’s on the way. We will be making the run too. The chickens we plan on getting are Rhode Island Red chickens which lay about 250 eggs a year. These chickens are very friendly and good layers. Here is a picture.


Photo from google


We will be getting three. I will do a post and a video when we get them.


Awesome Electric House Project!!!

For the past month or so we had been working on an electric house project in science. We did this to learn about our circuit unit. Basically, we had to make a cardboard box, and on top of that box, we had to make circuits with different appliances for our houses. We used lights, motors, and buzzers.

Here is a video of my group explaining our house.

The Science Behind the Electric House from DA MS Student Council on Vimeo.

How It Works:

Our circuits work by having electrons confined to one path, the wire. Voltage, the difference in electrical potential makes the electrons flow. When the electrons flow through the appliances, the appliances transform that electrical energy into different forms, such as mechanical energy, light, and sound.


My Best Cheerio Moment

I entered the Spelio box. It was not at all what I was expecting. There were ramps and slides everywhere and oh did I forget to mention you can’t stand up? It’s a crawl space. Inside it was very musky and hot. As I started to crawl and explore I noticed how much my arms ached from the rock climbing and I also had bruises all over my legs. I went up and down ramps ending up always in the same place every time. I crawled up and down every floor but everything looked exactly the same. But then I saw light through a crack in the wood. It was the exit. I also saw that to get to the back I had to go down a ramp on the second floor. I started searching everywhere on the second floor until I finally saw a ramp. I darted down it, bonked my head, and banged my knees. I was in such a hurry and then I saw the exit. Rejoicing, I crawled out.

Photo By Mrs. Donnelly

My Backpack Project!!

Backpack drawn by Ben

In L.A class, our class has been working on a Backpack project. In class we have been reading a book called Finding Someplace.  In this book, a girl named Reesie has to evacuate and she brings a backpack and puts everything she wants and needs in there.

In LA we have had to draw a backpack and draw in there what we would put in there. People have put things that are necessary, wants and things that are important to us. Some things I put in my backpack were cat food and hamster food. I put these in here to imply that I was bringing my pets. I also brought a family picture, my owl blanket, and my dog stuffed animal. I took these because these are important to me and reminds me of family.

Some other things I would bring were things that are necessary, like my phone, my passports, and my tooth brush, toothpaste, and floss. I brought a first aid kit too. I also took  a water bottle and a journal.





Best Book Ever!!!



Gordon Korman

336 pages



Eli Friedan lives a town called Serenity. Serenity is a wonderful place to Eli and his friends. There is no poverty, no crime, and no violence. Serenity is perfect, sometimes just a little perfect. Then weird things start to happen. Eli and his friends start to investigate these bizarre accurances in the strange town. Then they figure something out that will change everything. Read Masterminds to figure out. I think the theme of this book is persevearence and cooperation because these kids have to work together and cooperate to survive.



Book Blurb


This book’s plot is amazing. There are twist here and there and action that makes you never want to put the book down. This book ends on a cliff hanger which makes your want to read the two other books so bad. This book was so well written and I recommend this to any one who has read Spy School or likes mystery books.

My favorite Quote

I really like the quote, “If plan A didn’t work the alphabet has 25 more letters, stay cool,” by Claire Cook. I like it because I feel it really pushes you to always keep trying.

Photo By Ben, Adobe Spark Post

To me, this quote means to never give up. This quote is important to me because I think they are very good words to live by because if you don’t succeed at something you can always be persistent and meet that goal. No one ever gets exactly what they want the first time they try.