How Much is Money Actually Worth?

To clarify, this post is completely based on my opinion. There are many other views on this topic.

A lot of people say, “Money, is worthless. Other things will get you way farther in life.” Wow, what a cliche thing to say. I bet some of you are saying that, maybe, others not. First to clarify, I do KIND OF agree with this statement, but there is a whole other side to this argument about money, and its value. In this post, I’ll be writing about money, and how much I think it’s actually worth.

First of all, let me talk about how far you can get in life if you have a boatload of money. If you have a ton of money, you can buy a big house, a fancy car, and a bunch of other fancy things and gadgets you probably will never need, but will you be happy? Like seriously, you probably have all the things in the world, but probably didn’t get that money doing something you love. Now, you are stuck doing something you don’t like and aren’t happy.

Now, let’s look on the flip side. What if you are super happy, but not making enough or no money? At least your happy, but you probably won’t be super happy. I say this because you probably won’t be able to get a house, food, or water.

So, as you can see, how much money is actually worth is complicated. I think, that money isn’t really worth that much, but it is worth a little. Looking at money from an economic view, it’s worth a lot. But, from a view of being happy, it’s not worth too much. They are polar opposites. This brings me to my last point.

What I think is that you have to strike a balance between being happy and doing something you love, and also making enough money to be able to get food, shelter, water, you can donate, and many other things. If you strike that balance, it is the ultimate way to be happy. Not too much money, but also not too much devoting all your time to being happy. In the end, I think that 70% needs to go to being happy, and 30% going to money.

So in conclusion, money is worth a little. It has some value but not as much as you think. I say it has some value because you can’t get very far without it, but also you don’t need too much. It’s definitely worth something, but not much.

Here are some other views on this topic:

I feel like both of these websites make really good points.
