An Empathy Experience

For the past few weeks in LA class, my class has been reading the book, A Long Walk to Water, by Linda Sue Park. This book is separated into two parts, one, about a boy named Salva who is an internally displaced person who later became a refugee in Southern Sudan, 1985. The second part is about a girl named Nya (Knee-Ya) and about her troubles in 2008 to get clean water. Our class did a project which was an empathy experience to put ourselves in their shoes.

My project was mostly related to Nya, and involved limited water and walking while holding water. I walked around my yard for 20 minutes while carrying a bucket of two gallons of water. I also walked around barefoot while doing this. Then, if it was too heavy, I would have to drop some. (I did have to!) What I had left was what I had to drink AND use for the day.

Me walking around my yard carrying the water barefoot. -Photos taken by my dad.

Before the project, I was thinking, “This is going to be a piece of cake! No problemo.” Let me just say that is not how it went. At first, I could barely get the bucket off the ground. I eventually did but after that it just got harder and harder. I did end up having to drop some which made it a little easier but, if I dumped too much, I wouldn’t have enough water for the day. It wasn’t too hard for the day, although it was very tempting to just go get an ice cold glass of water from the fridge.

This project really made me look at the big picture. I did this for a day, but I could barely imagine, doing this every day, for the rest of my life. But people do have to do this every day. Every day, people get water for hours, preventing them from doing other things like getting an education. It really made me appreciate having running water for showers, brushing, drinking, and so much more. And I just don’t know how I could do this every day.


Our Heroes!

What is a hero? A hero can be a lot of things. It doesn’t have to be someone with super speed, or insane strength. It just has to be someone who has impacted you. To me a hero is someone who is generous, kind, and devoted. My hero was a veterinarian I shadow named Dr. Cindy. I choose the, because she is kind to me, helps me along, and is always there for me.

The hero book project, was a project that my grade did. First, we had to choose a hero we wanted to write about. We would then write a small book about them. Then, with the help of the artist Peg Gignoux, we created our hero books. The books consisted of an outer scene of our hero, and you can open up the book and find a secret inner scene of our hero. Then on the next page, there was extra space for our written part of the book. We made all the illustrations with colored designed paper that we made before the book making.

Ms. Gunoux helping us with our books.

The most rewarding part of the process was staring with a bunch of paper, and then turning it into an illustrated picture made completely out of colored paper. It was just really nice to see everything come together and comparing the start and end result.

On the flip side, the most challenging part of this project was when you have to start the scene. It is really hard to figure out where to start. I have found myself just sitting over a blank page with paper in one hand and scissors in the other for a few minutes not knowing where to start. But once you start, it starts to get much easier.

I will be sharing my hero book with my hero, probably by going to her house and letting her read it. I will let her keep the book because she is the hero and she should get it.

Here is my hero book and some pictures of my book:


What makes a hero? Being devoted? Being generous? Being supportive? I think all of these traits make a hero, and that is why Dr. Cindy Eward is my hero. Dr. Eward was born on May 24, 1970, in Ottawa, Canada. She is the oldest of four siblings. As a child, she rode horses, swam, and did kayaking. She knew she wanted to be a veterinarian when she was four years old. For elementary and middle school, she went to Hopewell Glashan and her favorite subject was biology. Then, she went to Glebe High School and very much enjoyed chemistry and finished one year early in the 12th grade. When she was 18, she participated in the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Korea as a kayaker. She went to Ontario College and went on to go to vet school. Dr. Eward graduated and later got certified as a veterinary surgeon. She loves helping animals and owners and is still working as a veterinarian today.

Heroes are devoted. They are always there for you and help you when you need it. Dr. Eward is always there for me and I strive to be like her. She always helps me answer my seemingly never-ending lists of questions about vet school and my future. But not only is she devoted to me to help me learn, she is also devoted to the animals. Dr. Eward does so much for the animals and owners she works with and will do anything to help an animal, even if it means helping the animal move on to a happier place. She will do so much to help an animal like performing intense and hard surgeries. Sometimes, she works with animals that could be potentially dangerous and with exotic animals. Once, Dr. Eward worked with a bear! She always strives to do everything she can for an animal. Dr. Eward is undoubtedly the most devoted person I know.

Heroes are generous. They are always looking for ways to give their time, their knowledge, and their experiences. They also are always looking for ways to help their community. Dr. Eward once worked with a therapy huskie that was helping two children with a neurological problem and the family had barely any money. The huskie was important to the family and especially the children. The dog had an orthopedic problem that would be expensive to heal. The children really loved the dog so Dr. Eward and the practice she worked with did the surgery for free. She is always helping the animals and people she works with and will do anything to positively impact their lives. Dr. Eward is also very generous with her time. When I ask to shadow, she always lets me shadow and is always there to help me. If this doesn’t make her one of the most generous people, I don’t know what would.

Finally, heroes are supportive. They are always there to support. They are uplifting and love to help. Dr. Eward is, without doubt, one of the most supportive people I know. Dr. Eward is supportive because she is a mentor to me and helps me with learning things about my career. Also, Dr. Eward always answers my questions and gives me advice. When kids have lost a pet, she is one of the people that supports them and helps them understand that their pet has moved on to a happier place. Dr. Eward will always support an animal and help them. She is always helpful and uplifting and she will always be a mentor to me.

Dr. Eward is devoted. She is generous. She is supportive, and she is a million other great things that I can’t put on here because there would be so many, this book would turn into a novel. Dr. Eward has had such a huge impact on my life and on so many others, and I will never forget the things she has done for me like encouraging me and helping me plan my future. I strive to be just like her and she is always a mentor to me. She is devoted, she is generous, she is supportive, she is encouraging, she is uplifting, and she is so much more. And that is why I call her my hero.

My hero book. Photos taken by me.

Whose Phone Is This!??

Have you ever wondered what your favorite characters’s phones are like? Have you ever wanted to draw and design their phone? Well that’s what we have been doing. For about a week or so in LA, we have been working on a iPhone project based on our book Finding Somplace.  Basically, we have to pick our favourite character from the book and write what emails they would have, their screen saver, and a movie playlist for their phone.

My favourite part of this project is the movie playlist. I really love this part because it is really cool to find a movie that is a perfect match to the character, and learn about different movies.

The character I choose was named Ms. Martine. Ms. M is somewhere between her sixties and seventies. The reason I like this character is because she is really diverse and her house is really interesting. Also she has a cool background. Ms. M was a writer and poet. She never became really famous but her story is really inspiring. When she was young she wanted to be a writer but her family said she couldn’t do it. She left home. Since she didn’t become famous and make much money, she had to make her living by cooking. I think her story inspires you to be yourself and do what you want.

This is My Phone Project


Photos taken by Ben

Awesome Electric House Project!!!

For the past month or so we had been working on an electric house project in science. We did this to learn about our circuit unit. Basically, we had to make a cardboard box, and on top of that box, we had to make circuits with different appliances for our houses. We used lights, motors, and buzzers.

Here is a video of my group explaining our house.

The Science Behind the Electric House from DA MS Student Council on Vimeo.

How It Works:

Our circuits work by having electrons confined to one path, the wire. Voltage, the difference in electrical potential makes the electrons flow. When the electrons flow through the appliances, the appliances transform that electrical energy into different forms, such as mechanical energy, light, and sound.


My Backpack Project!!

Backpack drawn by Ben

In L.A class, our class has been working on a Backpack project. In class we have been reading a book called Finding Someplace.  In this book, a girl named Reesie has to evacuate and she brings a backpack and puts everything she wants and needs in there.

In LA we have had to draw a backpack and draw in there what we would put in there. People have put things that are necessary, wants and things that are important to us. Some things I put in my backpack were cat food and hamster food. I put these in here to imply that I was bringing my pets. I also brought a family picture, my owl blanket, and my dog stuffed animal. I took these because these are important to me and reminds me of family.

Some other things I would bring were things that are necessary, like my phone, my passports, and my tooth brush, toothpaste, and floss. I brought a first aid kit too. I also took  a water bottle and a journal.