Update on the Chickens!!!!

Hello everyone! As you probably know if you follow my blog, about two months ago I got chickens and made a post when we got them home. This post is going to be talking about how they are doing, their coop,  and them!

So first of all, the chickens are doing wonderful. They are getting along very well and are enjoying their habitat very much. They are getting quality food and clean water.

The chickens in there habitat. Taken by me.

The chickens habitat has a large coop for shelter during a storm. In the habitat there is a roost(provides plenty of roosting space), Lots of floor space, two opening and closing vents, and four nesting boxes with a hatch in the bag that opens for collecting eggs.

The chickens’s habitat.
Photos taken by me.

Also, the chickens are nearing laying maturity! In a few weeks, they should be laying! It will be a very exiting moment and I will make a post when it happens.

Getting Started With Fencing

I am doing the post as a follow up on the post, All About the Sport of Sabre Fencing. I hope the post inspired you to give it a try! If so, this is a post about how to get started with this amazing sport.

To get started with fencing, you need to find a club in your area that offers a beginner’s class. Almost every club does. This class will teach you the basics of fencing and help you figure out whether or not you like the sport. All clubs offer gear to borrow in a beginner’s class.

Here are a few fencing clubs in the area

Midsouth Fencer’s Club (I highly recommend! I am in the Academy class there and will soon be in the youth competitive program. It’s a great club! )

Research  Triangle Fencing School

Once you have found a club and finished the beginner’s program, if you want to continue you can talk to the club for next steps, and even get your own gear! I hope you will like the sport!



Image Website Review

In LA class, our class has been reviewing different image websites. These websites provide images with citations. Here are the sites I will be reviewing:

Open Clipart (Public Domain)

Pexels (Public Domain)

Open Getty (Public Domain)


First we will start with open clipart. Overall, this was a very non-user friendly website. It was hard to navigate and had really low quality pictures. Most of the pictures were clipart (hence the name) and really wouldn’t fit many people’s needs. It was hard to find pictures with and was overall not very mobile friendly either. I would give it a final grade of a 3/10. It might fit your needs but is not useful to many other needs.

Second, I will be sharing my thoughts on the site Pexels. This website was absolutely amazing. It was super easy to navigate, mobile friendly, and had a great variety of pictures. It was super easy to search for images, find many different images, and even gave categories. It was overall super user friendly and was amazing. I would give it a final grade of a 9/10. Super easy to find images, but could use a tiny bit more variety.

Finally, I will review the site Open Getty images. This site was not very good for most uses. This site would really only be useful for something about history like an essay. It was a pretty low quality site and was very hard to find pictures with. It was kind of user friendly but not super good either. For using it for blogging purposes, I would give it a 1/10. But, for history uses like an essay, I would give it a 7/10. It is good for that purpose but needs a little more variety.

My Recommendation:

Pexels, photo from pexels.com

That’s pretty much it. I really hope you liked this blog and that it will help you with finding good quality pictures!



My Brand New Avatar!

For the 2018 March Student Blogging Challenge, I have made my very own avatar! I made this avatar using avatarmaker,  a website to make your own avatar, hence the name. Here is my avatar.

My avatar, made by me using avatarmaker.com


Why I Made My Avatar The Way I Did

I made my avatar the way I did to make it sum what look like how I look. I wanted it to represent me. Also, the clothes on the avatar is usually what I wear. A shirt and an over shirt/jacket. I really loved making this avatar to represent me and my blog! I highly recommend you make an avatar for your blog too! It’s really fun!

All About The Sport of Sabre Fencing

Think of a sport. What comes to mind? Basketball, soccer, football? Probably the sport of fencing does not come to mind. You might not even know what fencing is. I love fencing. I really like out of the ordinary sports. Fencing, is a sword fighting sport involving three different swords. The epee, the foil, and the sabre. I do sabre. Sabre fencing is a sport where the objective is to score a point on the other fencer by hitting them with your sword.


A fencer ready to bout, avantgardefencersclub.com


In fencing, you usually play to 15 points. There are not a ton of rules but there is a right of way rule. That means if both people hit, the one who started to attack first gets the point. Also who ever parries (blocks) last has the priority. There are other rules like you can’t run or cross your feet. You can’t go off the end of the piste (the fencing strip).

The fencing piste, thefencingcoach.org.uk



Fencing is one of the safest sports you can play while folowing your club’s rules and whearing safe safety equipment.


Two fencers in about, betterfencer.com


I hope you would like to try out this amazing sport. It is very beginner friendly, and almost every club has a beginner program.

They’re Finally Here!!!!

It took a long time, but the coop is done. We have all the supplies. And we have finally got them. We got the chickens! I know it took a long time making the coop and everything but we now have them!

I put this in my old chickens post, but we have gotten 4 Rhode Island Red chickens. All juevinile, but not yet laying. They will start laying probably in a few weeks. Also, a big question and discussion in my family has been names. Now, I know we won’t be able to tell the difference between them, but we will try to think of a way to distinguish them. I am a StarWars fanatic, so I wanted to give them StarWars names. But, my brother and dad want differnt names. The current names are Sarge (My brothers one. It’s wierd, don’t ask me why he wants to name one that), Henrieta (My mom’s), and the third one I want to be princess, in honor of prince, a horse I used to ride. I made a post about him awile back. Now here are some pictures.


A photo of the chickens, taken by me



Here is a hyperlink to a video of them!

If You Could Go Into a Book, Which One Would You Go in and Why?

I like to read. To me, reading is like an escape and a portal to enter another world. What if I could go into a book? I have read so many books that I have loved, but which one would I want to go in? For me it would definitely be Belly Up. Belly Up, is a book about the son of this couple and they work at the biggest zoo in the country. Every day in the summer, their son hangs out in the zoo but one day, he gets caught up trying to solve a murder mystery of a hippo. This book is a suspenseful mystery book that is always leaving you hanging.


The reason I would choose this book is because, first if all I loved this book. It has been an all time favorite for me. It was suspenseful, action packed, and mysterious. Second, I love mysteries. It would be cool to enter the world of this book and be inside the mystery. And finally, if you read this book, you would learn how big the zoo actually is. I would also want to be in the zoo and just go around like any person would. So which book would I go in? Belly Up.


Belly up Cover, Amazon.com


All About An Animal, Post 1


This animal is one of the oldest species on Earth. In fact, it is 550 million years old! This animal lives in the ocean, has an umbrella like head, and HAS NO BRAIN OR NERVOUS SYSTEM! You guessed it! It’s a jelly fish!

Jelly fish live in every ocean of the world and are classified as an invertebrate. They live about one year in the wild and can range anywhere from 2 centimeters, to 2 meters! There are about 2,000 species of jelly fish known to us today!


Because of the emense amount of sub species of jelly fish, their diets can be very different. Most commonly, they will eat things like fish, shrimp, and crabs. But some jelly fish eat plants and even other sub species of jelly fish!


Jelly fish live in all oceans of the world. They are most heavily distributed in salt water, but certain types can live in fresh water. These jelly fish are called hydrozoans, but not all hydrozoans live in fresh water.

Fun Facts

1. Jelly fish are plankton, meaning they drift and float around because they are not strong swimmers!

2. Some jelly fish are as big as a human, and some as big as a pin head!

3. In some parts of the world, a million jelly fish can come together in a bloom!


A bloom of jellyfish, Phys.org






My Trip to The Beginning of Life!

If you could go anywhere in time once round-trip, where would you go and why? This is a difficult question. So many places to go, so many events to witness, where to go? I have always been so curious about how life came to be on Earth. The theory of cell reproduction requires that a cell is existent for that cell to replicate itself, so how did the first cell come to be? A few theories are out there such as self replicating RNA cells (Ribonucleic Acid), but this has never been proven. So how did the first cell in existence come to be? That is what I would want to figure out. First, I would find the cell and figure out what it was. I would also want to document how it came to be. I wonder what kind of cell it was! I would also like to know if this first cell even was on Earth and not somewhere else. But, I would have to be careful not to kill it and end all life on Earth. That’s a scary thought!


Time Machine from the movie, Back to The Future.


Video of Humphrey and New Tank!

Earlier, I posted a blog about me getting my Roborovski hamster 🐹 Humphrey. Here he is.

A picture of Humphrey, taken by me.

I thought that maybe some of you might want to see him in a video and not just a picture. So I have recorded a short video of Humphrey in his new tank. And that brings me to my second subject of this post, I got a tank upgrade! I was originally keeping Humphrey in a 20 gallon tank which measured in at 360 square inches of floor space. But I learned as of March 2017, the minimum recommended cage size has changed. Now it is 450 square inches. After learning this I went out and got a 40 gallon tank. This measures in at about 650 square inches which is almost double my old one and is better for Humphrey.

Now, here is the video of him and his new tank.

Humphrey in His New Tank!