We Got an Egg!!!!!

So, I was doing homework in my living room on a nice Tuesday afternoon when I hear a thump on the window. It was my brother trying to get my attention. He was holding up an egg! I thought it was I trick but when I came down, it was an egg! I was elated, ecstatic, I was so excited that we had finally gotten an egg.

We were expecting the hens to be laying soon and Tuesday was the day! Surprisingly, it was actually a very moderate-sized egg, it wasn’t small, or soft shelled, or had two yolks. It was an amazing egg! Then, after one started laying, two more started laying also! It seemed like the first layer encouraged the other two. The next day, the same one layed again but we found a different egg from a different layer. (This was the second layer.) The egg was a darker brown and had specks of lighter brown on it. I do not currently have the picture myself so here is a picture of an egg they laid later.

A beautiful egg laid by the chickens. Photo taken by me.

The two layers continued to lay until on Sunday, a third joined. But, this chicken did not seem ready yet because we got a soft shelled egg meaning that it is not ready yet. Here is a picture of the soft egg.

As you can see, I can push the shell inwards without it breaking. Photo taken by me dad.

Then about 5 days after the first egg, the forth came. But like the third, it was not ready because it only laid a yolk. This is extremely normal though. My family and I are extremely excited for the fresh eggs! We just started them on layer pellets so they should start to lay more consistently soon.

Update on the Chickens!!!!

Hello everyone! As you probably know if you follow my blog, about two months ago I got chickens and made a post when we got them home. This post is going to be talking about how they are doing, their coop,  and them!

So first of all, the chickens are doing wonderful. They are getting along very well and are enjoying their habitat very much. They are getting quality food and clean water.

The chickens in there habitat. Taken by me.

The chickens habitat has a large coop for shelter during a storm. In the habitat there is a roost(provides plenty of roosting space), Lots of floor space, two opening and closing vents, and four nesting boxes with a hatch in the bag that opens for collecting eggs.

The chickens’s habitat.
Photos taken by me.

Also, the chickens are nearing laying maturity! In a few weeks, they should be laying! It will be a very exiting moment and I will make a post when it happens.

They’re Finally Here!!!!

It took a long time, but the coop is done. We have all the supplies. And we have finally got them. We got the chickens! I know it took a long time making the coop and everything but we now have them!

I put this in my old chickens post, but we have gotten 4 Rhode Island Red chickens. All juevinile, but not yet laying. They will start laying probably in a few weeks. Also, a big question and discussion in my family has been names. Now, I know we won’t be able to tell the difference between them, but we will try to think of a way to distinguish them. I am a StarWars fanatic, so I wanted to give them StarWars names. But, my brother and dad want differnt names. The current names are Sarge (My brothers one. It’s wierd, don’t ask me why he wants to name one that), Henrieta (My mom’s), and the third one I want to be princess, in honor of prince, a horse I used to ride. I made a post about him awile back. Now here are some pictures.


A photo of the chickens, taken by me



Here is a hyperlink to a video of them!