Halloween!! One Line Scary Story Starters

These are some one line scary story starters! Maybe you might want to try some in your stories! These are starters to some scary stories to get the suspense rising!


1. “Keep Dreaming!” It said in a raspy whisper. He never woke up.

2. “I woke up , and my whole bedroom was completely rearranged.” “I live alone.”

3. It comes from your deepest nightmares, and strikes in your dreams.

4. “I heard a scrathing at the door. “Stop it!” I yelled at my dog. “Then my arm brushed against my dog.”

5. “I looked at my dresser, my dolls were gone. Then my little rocking chair started to creak.”

6. “I work a night security job at the school.” “I then heard the loudspeakers went on and a child started talking. “Then I heard laughing outside my door.”


So those are my one line scary story starters, I hope they might inspire a scary story for you!

Jacolanterns, from the Merriam Webster “History of the Jackoluantern” https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/the-history-of-jack-o-lantern