If You Could Go Into a Book, Which One Would You Go in and Why?

I like to read. To me, reading is like an escape and a portal to enter another world. What if I could go into a book? I have read so many books that I have loved, but which one would I want to go in? For me it would definitely be Belly Up. Belly Up, is a book about the son of this couple and they work at the biggest zoo in the country. Every day in the summer, their son hangs out in the zoo but one day, he gets caught up trying to solve a murder mystery of a hippo. This book is a suspenseful mystery book that is always leaving you hanging.


The reason I would choose this book is because, first if all I loved this book. It has been an all time favorite for me. It was suspenseful, action packed, and mysterious. Second, I love mysteries. It would be cool to enter the world of this book and be inside the mystery. And finally, if you read this book, you would learn how big the zoo actually is. I would also want to be in the zoo and just go around like any person would. So which book would I go in? Belly Up.


Belly up Cover, Amazon.com


My Trip to The Beginning of Life!

If you could go anywhere in time once round-trip, where would you go and why? This is a difficult question. So many places to go, so many events to witness, where to go? I have always been so curious about how life came to be on Earth. The theory of cell reproduction requires that a cell is existent for that cell to replicate itself, so how did the first cell come to be? A few theories are out there such as self replicating RNA cells (Ribonucleic Acid), but this has never been proven. So how did the first cell in existence come to be? That is what I would want to figure out. First, I would find the cell and figure out what it was. I would also want to document how it came to be. I wonder what kind of cell it was! I would also like to know if this first cell even was on Earth and not somewhere else. But, I would have to be careful not to kill it and end all life on Earth. That’s a scary thought!


Time Machine from the movie, Back to The Future.