It’s National Help a Horse Day!!!

Today(April 26th), is national help a horse day. This is one of the many days of the year that people celebrate. But what is Help a Horse Day?

Help a Horse Day, is a national day that recognizes our faithful, four legged companions, horses. Horses have helped humans so much for a long time but yet, some are still not treated properly, or don’t get any love. I love horses and used to ride. Horses do so much and are just great companions to have. So this sounded like a great thing to write about.

What can you do for Help a Horse Day in the future?  This day is an opportunity to help, raise awareness, or even just give a horse a treat. You could make a donation to an equine organization, or spread awareness by teaching people about horses being neglected and abandoned and ask them to help. Because all around the world, horses are still homeless or neglected and that’s not right. People need to start to make a difference. I sincerely hope, that on next Help a Horse Day, that you will do something to help.

Our faithful companions, horses.